Monday, October 29, 2007

Scrap Buffet ~ Sneak Peek

I am firmly convinced that Deco-Pages' Club Deco is the greatest bargain there is for digi-scrappers!! I just love watching the Mega Kit come together... all the different designers adding their own coordinating kits to create one HUGE monthly kit... most months the final kit hovers around 1 Gigabyte... at $36 for an annual membership, that's a LOT of scrapping treats for just a little bit of money!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

CT Openings

Do you have any interest in joining a Creative Team??? Deco-Pages has openings for CT members and they are currently accepting applicants.... just click Here to read all about it!!!

I've got a new kit in the store at Deco-Pages..... Monday Mornin' Blues.... use it alone for a really pretty monochromatic layout or uses pieces to jazz up one of your favorite "old stand-by" kits..... all my kits are on sale until the end of the month for 40% off.....

Monday, October 22, 2007

As I said in my last post, a 35' RV isn't exactly "roughing it"... but there are things that you give up or do without... a king-sized bed for starters... that seems like such a silly thing, but when you have to share a "full-sized" bed with two dogs... one with a serious attitude about his own sleep comfort... several times a night, a short sharp "Ggrrr-UFF" and four tiny paws pounced sharply into the middle of the back tell us that we have ventured into "his" space... that's when a really good night's sleep goes out the window... Gosh, it's good to be home!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Creative Team

I am so pleased to announce that Debbie Abbe (iwannaalife2) has agreed to join my creative team. She is a very talented and prolific scrapper who brings a lot of enthusiasm to my little team. She and the other member of my team, Cate Sforza, are creative blessings and are helping to spread the word about my kits. Debbie has created a Quick Page to share from my kit, Days Gone By. Now we're off for a camping weekend..... a 35' RV isn't exactly "roughing it" but it sure is fun to get out and let "the boys" explore.... See you Monday!!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Technologically Impaired?

My children laugh when I claim to be technologically impaired... for years it seemed I was operating an IT "Help Desk" from my home with calls for "Help!" coming in at all hours, but these days cell phones seem to be beyond my comprehension and texting is a pastime that I leave to the young.... When I was making my very first post yesterday, all my links appeared to be working..... but today I discover that I went happily off to bed with a bad link to my little freebie.... I *think* it's working now (for whatever it's worth, it worked for me today)..... Did I mention that I thought this was "hard work"? I hope you will bear with this technologically impaired Granny while I work out the bugs on this blogging stuff.....

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Where Do I Start?

Having made the decision to start a blog, I've been wondering exactly how I am to go about starting.... I think it's probably a lot easier to scrap (or design) than getting this blog started.... LOL.... I'm running a Color Challenge at Deco-Pages this month and giving away lots of rewards to the participants. I'm thinking that a little freebie to go along with the October Color Challenge would be a fun way to get started.... and here's what I decided to offer as my first Freebie.... {sorry, this Color Challenge has ended and the freebie retired}... and then come on over to Deco-Pages, participate in the Color Challenge (you're going to be scrapping anyway, right?), and get free rewards..... How sweet is that???

Special Thanks to KCS Designs for their commercial use templates.